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He needs some milk created a topic of Abyss

Wow this dark and messed up and good

Wow lmao this is a little sus but kind of adorable too..?

He needs some milk created a topic of 19 Days

Bruh they fr share only one braincell like how tf you mistaking chili sauce with strawberry jam stoppp

That was very insensitive of her, like you really treating the man who saved you like that? No sis get tf out

He needs some milk created a topic of Lady Baby

Lmao I can't stop this cringe whenever I read a new chapter like chile I get it, Lippe is the beSt but don't gotta shove it in my face literally every chapter

Omg I'm loving the character development in the FL!! I hope she ends up happy this time

He needs some milk created a topic of Love Shuttle