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my...uh created a topic of Heat and Love

So you’re telling me the last updates were in March?? Nah imma need someone to pick this up cuz I’m loving this one

Kotani is voiced by Matt Mercer change my mind

my...uh followed a list
my...uh created a topic of Night Song

Sorry I don’t get off to pedos like y’all do -_- I’m not reading this story cuz I love what happens in it, I didn’t read killing stalking cuz I loved the fucked up things that happened in it and I don’t watch law and order svu cuz I love the horrible things that happen to people… but fanart?? Y’all get off to pedo/grooming fanart and we’re ooooh sooo sorry you got called out for that lol. You posted it so get ready for the backlash just like I’m ready for people to reply to this thinking they know better lol

my...uh already read

Giju is pretty for a boy; he’s different. That’s why he was called names growing up, why...

  • Author: Lee Uin
  • Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Comedy / Drama / Webtoons / Tragedy

Absolutely heartbreaking but 100% worth the read. It was confusing for me until I read a comment but NotAUnicorn665 that put it in perspective very well and I definitely agree with their analysis of the story and about what was up with that ending. My soul will probably not recover from this lol