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Kyo answered question about question
Idk how to feel bout this
Kyo answered question about question
I'm not complaining in the slightest
Kyo want to do

770 people did   /   489 want to do

I mean I did but didn't because I'm fucking coward and scared of feeling pain. I should do it tho. I mean this world is pretty fucked up. Th

Kyo says:


It's the Seungho character development for me

Kyo created a topic of Eleceed

I kinda miss kitty kayden ;-;

Kyo answered question about tell me ur zodiac w o telling
Sleep paralysis and I was laying face down on my pillow. I thought I was gonna die from suffocation.
Kyo like the answer
Oh! Oh!! This is a fun one!! When I was a little girl, I shared a room with my older sister, who had just moved back home after a rough patch. She was sleeping pretty sounding in front of me, but I woke up when it was still pitch black out. For some reason, I felt compelled to sit up. My eyes went to the window first, but then they drifted over t......