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TeeHee created a topic of Necromancer Survival

Someone please recommend more manhwa like this to read while we wait for S3

TeeHee created a topic of Loving the Now
TeeHee asked a question

Idk why i seem to like those a lot...

TeeHee created a topic of Literature Boy

NOOOOOOO I NEED MOREEE I'm crying i love them so much

TeeHee created a topic of Who is a sweet cheater?

I'm on chapter 61, the sex is hot, sure, but i can't wrap my head around the story like..? I don't wanna seem the one that bitches about toxic relationship or rape, because i do appreciate when they're written well, but here it seems like nothing even gets addressed ever. I guess it's just not for me, a shame since the art and the sex are good

TeeHee asked a question

I need manhwas with cute couples and only fluff as a subsitute for therapy

TeeHee created a topic of LOVE ME AGAIN