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The heck! created a topic of Wasuretai Itoshijin

This is some next level creepy!

This is so humiliating! Seungho really has no shame.

It's a filler chapter. No progress whatsoever.

The heck! created a topic of Kajou Mousou Shounen

Kureshima is shit, oono is lonely and vulnerable but the storytelling in volume one was quite good. Then in volume two, storytelling went downhill, oono became even more isolated and vulnerable along with kureshima becoming shittier than ever before.

The heck! created a topic of Palace of Bardo

I can't believe the previous emperor crushed his foot using a nail like that! And also was shocked that why the builder didn't love him back?!
The builder was already smitten with the emperor, why couldn't he just take it slow instead of torturing him like that! The mf doesn't deserve any affection from anyone honestly.