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RGB-Crimson's experience ( All 0 )

RGB-Crimson's answer ( All 7 )

i mean it happened once and i didn't do anything. plus, it wouldn't be the best course of action and would be very dumb if i retaliated. best if i just reported it and not return the action. you can call me a coward or something but it really was the right thing to do at that moment ¯_(ツ)_/¯   reply
13 02,2021
dont think so, no. but you should probably make a burner acc just in case it happens in the future ^^   reply
03 02,2021
about question
RGB-Crimson 02 02,2021
the lack of consent and over-exaggerated facial expressions?   reply
02 02,2021
about lgbt
ahaah it feels unnecessary for saying this, but none. i don't think i have any crushes on any celebrity, but i have a bunch that i think are attractive (conventionally or else) :D   reply
02 02,2021

RGB-Crimson's question ( All 1 )

lmao i'm kidding, i think he's a switch. but my actual question for all of you that read/seen solo leveling [SPOILERS INCOMING]:

What are your thoughts on the endgame relationship/his relationship with Cha Hae-In? I feel like it might've been forced, or at least haven't developed enough? In a way that there's not enough time spent between the two to show enough chemistry.

But that's just my opinion. And for those of you who haven't read solo-leveling yet (the manga or novel): read it! I promise it's very good, and there's a reason why people love it so much. Also bonus points because the MC is very attractive .

P.S. I'm interested in your answers for the heading as well, so answer that if you want to, and tell me why ^^
03 02,2021

People are doing

want to do made true friends

i havent made any friends that lasted for long, they usually tend to drift away whether it be physically or emotionally :')

3 hours
want to do discord server

Just do it

9 hours
want to do discord server


9 hours