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Mercy January 28, 2024 9:21 am

I gave it a shot and it was lowkey worth it, it gave me a really good cry. At first i thought this was going to a sadist ML and a helpless FL which i wasn't wrong but omg does the plot has its twist and turns. I was so close to dropping it as well it just angered me but it's a slow burn and it hurt real bad. I am waiting for more updates I hope she gets her happy ending she's been needing it. I don't only hate damian I also have a sense of hatred for her family yes they love her BUT she sacrificed everything for them and BEGGED ON HER KNEES to save her sisters face she has saved her sister too many times and not once has her sister shown gratitude towards her she just continued being selfish the only person the recognized her sacrifices was the servant boy I don't remember his name.

    chloe January 30, 2024 10:27 am

    everything happen for a reason though specially her sister choosing jer lover than family would be a help

ROXY July 16, 2021 11:20 am

I really wanted a plot twist in the end like it’s all an illusion and rael was actually still chained up the entire time and everyone had to act like everything was normal and rael had gone crazy or lion drugged him and he thinks he’s living a happy life and a happy ending but in reality he’s still chained up and he isolated and lion makes him think these thing are happening and that’s why rael is in love with lion bc he was crazy but the ending of the story doesn’t feel real at all I really wanted a plot twist like this but sadly no idk but I feel weird bc all these event led to nowhere and all these big tragedy’s that happens were all pointless and there was no reason for them and I don’t like it how they just covered everything up with oh it was an misunderstanding and how rael just fell in love with lion out of nowhere and there was no reason either like how did he fall in love with lion this story didn’t answer are questions and left them unanswered and rushed the ending

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