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that wasnt an update? that was a misleading update!!! it was nothing but stupid stuff

that whole chapter is crap! lots of cut off pages, and the cut offs are where major parts are. so annoying. is there another place where you can see all of it with full pages?


so now the drunk driver who killed his sister is magically is her dad, and etc.. why when theres millions in that city where they live.. why do they make these terrible plots

Also! wasnt she suppose to here and understand the beast (animals)? where did that go and didnt she want to open a animal clinic or something? the whole manga went a different direction and again why have her act smart then turn her into a complete idiot?

why the hell is she acting so fucking dumb now! Is she an idiot now and forgets that the empress is the enemy of her ml... why do they make these gals act smart and then short later the fl act like idiots

its not a foot into my world! just saying

mckeekmb created a topic of Golden Print

he is doing to much, plus what happened to his school? why isnt he finishing it first or at least making it the top priority! plus its getting slow. This last chap. he isnt even doing what he came back for

mckeekmb created a topic of Brother, am I cute??

there has many times that the interpreter used either she or he, they are both boys, btw..

mckeekmb created a topic of The Archmage's Restaurant

chap 32 is a repeat, not new! again do you not look to see if its a repeat or wrong before you guys upload a supposedly new chapter?

come on dont be stupid and fall for they'er lies! she sometimes act so stupid sometimes

mckeekmb created a topic of Always a Catch

why do you have chapters, like 19 when chapter 19.3 is exact same thing, why dont you just leave it as it is! its a waste of updating

mckeekmb created a topic of Lustfully

chapter 18 & 19 are repeats! please fix it and fine the real chapt 19

mckeekmb created a topic of Secret Lady

what happen to all of the chapters after chap. 77? i dont get it why they did that?

every chapter ive read 1 to 5 have all been messed up! are all of the chapters messed up? whats the pointg in reading this when it forces you to skip so much

chapters 98 and on are all messed up. your missing key pages. and its on all sites like this. so annoying

mckeekmb created a topic of Lee Seop's Romance

who ever uploaded chap. 17, needs t re fix it. it is so messy, and every page isnt correct! and in the wrong areas.. i guess they didnt care how messy it is

chapter 3 half of this chapter is missing words all are blank... fix it please

fix chap. 6 please. it is so messy. you cant read anything! take off the raw or put it next to it, not through the raw words! so stupid of the translator doing sloppy work.. sloppy work

chapter 23 & 24 are repeats! please get rid of them! you are misleading everyone! again how do you not know you are putting repeats on! how do you do u not pay attention to this easy stuff