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Tammy0369 February 28, 2024 2:56 am

I never understand why they blame the child for either the mother or father wrongdoing

    Neco-chan February 28, 2024 7:10 am

    I’m not justifying but who but many men/women often blame children for their downfall because they believe that them having kids ruined their lives. Its unfair but unfortunately very common.

    Amnesia's Heroine February 28, 2024 7:30 am
    I’m not justifying but who but many men/women often blame children for their downfall because they believe that them having kids ruined their lives. Its unfair but unfortunately very common. Neco-chan

    I think they met how the public blamed the mc for her mother attempted murder of the empress

    RenRen March 1, 2024 9:58 pm

    I think it’s like a generation sin, like your parent commited something you have their blood and might commit the same thing. Something like when SSSR was still a thing if you didnt comply to the goverment your children couldn’t get higher education and stuff (really didnt know what to use as an example)

    CathyBLover March 1, 2024 10:30 pm
    I think it’s like a generation sin, like your parent commited something you have their blood and might commit the same thing. Something like when SSSR was still a thing if you didnt comply to the goverment yo... RenRen

    I don't think that's the case in this instance. The empress(?) is angry that she no longer has as much power as before the king died (blond stepbro is the current king?), and is acting like bitch just to get "surprised pikachu face" that people no longer treat her as well.

    So she just wants something to blame, something to be angry at, which could be our MC because she's a girl and not a boy (would have the right for the crown, so empress could have had some of her power back?). Also she is a child who can't fight back. This is important. Also empress doesn't want to see her own faults, it's easier to blame others and feel better about herself without needing to change anything. Prideful people have a hard time accepting that they can be wrong and at fault, easier to not acknowledge their own lacking parts and just blame everything on others.

    Transient Metaphysics March 1, 2024 11:36 pm

    It is an old belief system, perpetuated through religious history, that the sins of the father/mother lasts for seven generations, seven being a prime number is a 'magic' number.

    RenRen March 2, 2024 12:40 pm
    I don't think that's the case in this instance. The empress(?) is angry that she no longer has as much power as before the king died (blond stepbro is the current king?), and is acting like bitch just to get "s... CathyBLover

    I think both answers are right depending of how the first person meant the question. Mine answer would be if they said they never understood why the society also blames the child while your amswer would be if they said they never understood why the parents blame their child for their downfall. But it’s interesting to see how not exactly specified question can have different meanings lolヾ(☆▽☆)

    Asha March 3, 2024 3:02 pm

    People like to blame the bad thing that happened to them to something.
    It could be themselves or others. In this case the mother is narcist to blame herself so she blame others. And it just so happens that her idiotic brain think of blaming her own child for being born as a girl.

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