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AardatLilli answered question about question
Eat poison and let them bite~ They'll die, I promise...
AardatLilli answered question about question
Why did I just imagine the mama-guy say this...
AardatLilli answered question about disturbing thing you saw
Coitus~ Like wanna have coitus with me??? Feels like I'm asking you to eat some kind of weird alien cookie...
AardatLilli answered question about let's be positive
Y'all take drives during quarantine??? I haven't stepped out of the house in 2 years...
AardatLilli answered question about love
Then, I'll eat you out 3 times a day, bby
AardatLilli answered question about i like crying
It's alryt. We all do crazy shit during quarantine (I tried to eat someone...) The imp thing is to accept that you made a mistake and apologize~
AardatLilli asked question about making jokes Please read it till the VERY END.

AardatLilli answered question about first kiss
17, Female, Indian? Student, Somewhere
AardatLilli asked a question

Any manga/manhwa/webtoon where they have to survive in a forest (like TPN)
Please and Thank you~

AardatLilli asked question about fetishes and kinks

I ache for the touch of your lips, dear But much more for the touch of your whips, dear You can raise welts Like nobody else As we dance to the Masochism Tango Let our love be a flame, not an ember Say it's me that you want to dismember Blacken my eye Set fire to my tie As we dance to the Masochism Tango At your command Before you here I stand My h......

AardatLilli like the answer
This is an automated message generated by the Snapchat team. Your message has been found to be a violation of 42 U.S.C § 1283 (2020). The message you sent has been scanned by our AI Bot and was flagged as sexual harassment. Your account is scheduled to be reported to the police. Our bot is currently in BETA testing in which it makes mistakes. If......
AardatLilli answered question about have a phobia
Damn... I'd prolly bang if it was my Stepmom~
AardatLilli answered question about question And just search up the name of the book+pdf You shud prolly buy the book if you can bc you want to support the creators and all...
AardatLilli shared experience about learn japanese chinese korean And just search up the name of the book+pdf You shud prolly buy the book if you can bc you want to support the creators and all...
AardatLilli answered question about question
Not me answering my question bc I'm desperate~
AardatLilli like the answer
AardatLilli asked question about question

So, I'm supposed to write an article about my classmate, who I've nvr met... I can ask them questions... What the hell should I ask? And I need to turn that info into a paragraph, so it can't be just What's your favourite colour and such... Any questions about yourself that you would be comfortable if a stranger asks you~