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Beeruny :>'s feed

I am completely shocked. I’ve seen a lot of shit and didn’t get traumatized so I decided to read this as just another fetish dump from a random creator that drew this. I don’t mind these type of manwhuas because I’m just used to it and so fetishes like this don’t bother me. But when I started reading this piece of shit and waste of good art, I felt truly disgusted. I can’t even describe it in words. The moment he started peeing inside of his ass my face twisted from pure disgustment. What the fuck was this? What the fuck is happening in the creator's mind to draw and write this story?! The character design is honestly not the worse and I find myself attracted to the type of men that was shown in the cover (our poor victim) mainly because I like that type of body and the art looked gorgeous for this type of manwhua only to be met with something horrible. Why is this on the mainpage here of Mangago? Why does this exist? I barely made past the fourth one because of how grossed out I felt. Sorry for the unnecessary talk I had during my opinion but I just needed to write all of this. Fuck this manwhua and I definitely won’t ever pick or read this again.
Overall: Good art, character designs aren’t that bad, doesn’t have that much of a plot that would pique someone interest, disgusting and vomiting inducing scenes that the Mc had to go trough
(=゚ω゚)ノ Save yourself from reading this, save your mental health and goodbye