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Venti the Bargaytos add manga to list ye

Koga Naoto is an omega who was raped by his alpha classmates and got pregnant. Due to that traumatic...

  • Author: Hijiki , ひじき
  • Genres: Drama / Romance / Yaoi
Venti the Bargaytos like the answer
What’s empowering to women depends on the woman, if u as a straight women find stories about mlm and their sexual relationships empowering good for u ig, but like what was the liberating part for u, I’m curious
Venti the Bargaytos like the answer
Really said "You're gay"
Venti the Bargaytos created a topic of Virus

Wud i read? why life? why am born?

Venti the Bargaytos created a topic of gomusin

y'all is it bad that i kinda wanna ship Ushioda and Kosaka??!!

Venti the Bargaytos created a topic of Affectionately

i hate that mfkin blonde bitch sm, i'll hardly drop kick u back and forth to the Sun and Moon, you'll be seeinG s t a r s

hey y'AlL iz 5Am i fcked up my sleep scedule (idk how tf to spell) my eyez are gloomy,i idk wutzafuq i'm readin lol.


Ereri shippers : *reading this peacefully*

Non Ereri shippers : "i know this is Ereri and i don't ship, but i'm just gonna read dis and read it till the end becuz i wanna leave a hate comment UwU" PROTECC .._ :(´ཀ`」 ∠):_

dis sum guud fap material shit_ :(´ཀ`」 ∠):_