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Jojothehoehoe created a topic of Ways of Parting

Wait can someone tell me so the new bf he was with lied that he was raped or something can someone elaborate to me

The one who is trapped is he gay can someone tell me?



I hate them they hurt the people they are in a relationship with then when the person leaves. They try to protect them “get away from him” like you only saying that cause you’re guilty man get out of here and stop interfering with their RELATIONSHIP UGGGH.

Jojothehoehoe created a topic of Juujika no Rokunin

I mean he lowkey a victim but no at the same time because you raped people and you killed things so *in Kim kardasian voice* “Its what he deserved” period rot in hell or any bad place

Some one said is it a upside and it made me so mad but other then that it’s sook ccuuuutttteeww

Toooo shorrtttt neeeedddd moreeeeees

Jojothehoehoe created a topic of Love So Pure

You have to put yourself in yohans POV like it seem like he very native and just let people walk on him and do what ever to him. Now he starting to understand himself he didn’t slut-shame at all idk what the hell y’all talking about he said the truth slut would be if he was saying to hurt the people he is shaming or make fun of him. They honestly don’t deserve each other and should focus on themselves

Jojothehoehoe created a topic of Ways of Parting

Fuck relationships. He and they all should just focus on themselves because he is way to Vulnerable to be in a relationship now. His ex messed up he could’ve just been like oh I moved instead of being mean about it. At the end all this the author shouldn’t have a relationship put together maybe plutonic relationship to help each other out, but no sex just then working on their health and mind sets because they all need some help.

I feel bad for him. He looks so naive. I wish the blond with die damn he’s so annoying. Rip the lookalike though what has he gotten himself into hopefully the manger saves him

Jojothehoehoe created a topic of Put a Smile On

So he mostly got with his rapist. I came back after I dropped this and it ended like this. The author is honestly sick.

I feel like gonna somehow survive but is gonna die from issac

I think the purple head is cute but I have strong mixed feelings and I just don’t want my baby noa getting hurt again. I love the main couple her ex should the date ginger/blond if he’s single

Jojothehoehoe created a topic of ENNEAD

I don’t even really know the plot anymore. Honestly no is a victim everyone is bad let’s just end it right there. Even though Seth went through stuff he still bad and not a victim. Horus idek about him same with isis. Um Osiris we know about him being a bad person. Honestly they all need to die. Anbuis idek know about him too. I’m confused. I’m not a Seth anti l, but I dislike him and Osiris the most .

Jojothehoehoe created a topic of Ways of Parting

They should all just focus on themselves and No one should end up in a relationship. They all need to focus on themselves

Jojothehoehoe created a topic of Secret Alliance

I feel like yul needed to be put in some therapy. His parents honestly could careless about him and they were no help. He had a hard time in school. She was the only he had in was the only person who cared for him ever. This when it starts feeding into his obsession and his mental problems. It’s no excuse for what he did, but compared to other yandare stories he’s just not as bad as one. Y’all can’t hate or say fuck him because you all never put yourself in his shoes and see what he thought. If I was him I probably just like him. He was shame by society for looking like a girl and mostly thought she like him because of that too. She went through stuff with her mom and I hated that, but I feel like yul became her mom the very one thing he thought he was protecting her from. I feel like in the end of the story...... They both should’ve not been in a. Relationship like yul did think about himself for once and not some girl. She should’ve not got with the blond, but thanked him for saving her and became best friends and maybe dated in the future. My ending point is there is no one blame, but the parents and the situation and environment that they both grow up in. Yul will be my favorite because he is the most well written character. Like I said he didn’t do as much bad things as I seen other yandare’s do. Anyway gimmie y’all feedback on what y’all think I wrote about. Have a great day and if my grammer is bad English isn’t my first language, so it sucks

Jojothehoehoe created a topic of Sura's Lover

I feel like sura knows was going on but he doesn’t want the truth to get out so he’s letting this happen to him

Jojothehoehoe created a topic of ENNEAD

Y’all act like Seth is a just great because the mother fucker got raped that he needs pity. He literally tried to rape Horus and then Horus “raped” him man please. Like Seth is a very terrible person and all of them deserve to just die. Like damn this manwha is just something else

Jojothehoehoe created a topic of Ways of Parting

Like 5 years and you don’t know where you bf is I would love on to for him just to randomly come back I honestly they should just stop dating and focus on themselves