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Yanichru created a topic of Killing Stalking

i just got done re-reading this because i felt as if i had missed something. i decided to make a alt ending because i was listenting to the song "tonight you belong to me " while reading this and it made me think lol.

heres a link to the song if u wanna listen to it while reading :3

think the story ended in a different way. Here Sangwoo was about to kill the police officer when he shoots and Bum tried to save Sangwoo and and ended up getting a bullet in his stomach and falls on Sangwoo's arms. Its angers Sangwoo more and he kills the police man. Then he runs back to Bum and holds him in his arm while the blood covers the floor. Bum then whispers " i loved " the last time while Sangwoo wishes the blood would flow back. Then slowly time passes and it is already night. Sangwoo is still holding Bum while "you belong to me" goes on in the back. Sangwoo slowly takes bum and goes to the upper room while blood drips down on the stairs. when he reaches there he closes the door and lights a match and throws it on the bed. there is an uproar of fire while Sangwoo slow dances with Bum's corpse as the song till goes in the background. The room fills with flames while Sangwoo's last tear drop falls on Bum's long lashes. HE HOLDS HIM CLOSE TO HIS CHEST as he says" You belong to me" with the song. And the story end as the house bursts into flames.

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Yanichru asked a question

is there any good bl where they are both switches? bonus if its fully colored ┗( T﹏T )┛