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green tea (❁´◡`❁) created a topic of Bye Bye

AWWWWWWWWW A HAPPY ENDING!!! IM SO HAPPY FOR THEM tho i wish we could see them together with the baby, its good enough to know they're this happy

green tea (❁´◡`❁) created a topic of Bye Bye

omg I'm crying that was a beautiful thing he said, letting go amd looking forward to his new life with his lover im so happy for him

"thank you for being alive"

it made me cry so much too, I can't imagine how much he mustve wanted someone to say that to him, especially the king :( *kicking air*

can't wait for the next chapter, I really wanna see what he does

why are their eyes so yellow, it looks like they have jaundice, I cant get into it lol

does anyone feel like unsatisfied with the ending?? like its a bit anti-climactic?? I guess extras will clear it up

CLIFF HANGERS DRIVING ME INSANE BUT I LOVE IT SM!! this the kinda story where you wanna binge it instead cus it keeps you on the edge lol

can we stick to one uploaded please, don't mess it up for the rest of us

i love the extras or season two, so cute

the plot for this manga is shit but the author did the Stockholm Syndrome so perfectly, like we can see the exact moment the MC descends

the ending just felt like he kinda just went along with it sigh and like he did alot of talking himself into it with do jioon lmao

green tea (❁´◡`❁) created a topic of Ni Jiu

i feel so bad for him!! to be separated from his family, and transmigrated into a world that isn't his must be so incredibly lonely and the only person he can rely on and also the person he loves FORGETS HIS SPECiAL DAY!!!! esp when the family you've been separated from go out of their way to make you feel so loved on that day