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L created a topic of I’m stuck in a crazy drama

The dad is definitely gay

L followed a list
L created a topic of God Jangsan Tiger
L created a topic of Jinx

No amount of redemption will make this dude better so he should just let Dan go and not chase after him

She’s really smart and catch on quickly

L created a topic of The Bondservant

Gosh this is stressing me out JUST RUN TF AWAY

L created a topic of Bitten by the Dog I Abandoned
L asked a question

Any rec? Or any historical manhwa with good art

L created a topic of Free in Dreams
L created a topic of Free in Dreams


L followed a goer
18 02,2023
L followed a goer
18 02,2023
L want to do

44 people did   /   68 want to do

I don't actually

L did

1655 people did   /   1216 want to do

I got the love and hate relationship with ganyu

L created a topic of Survive Romance

Dmn she hot af got me simping ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

L created a topic of Duchess of the Glass House

why are all manhwa author's end every chapter with cliffhanger? is this a new trend or som ?(⊙…⊙ )