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yeah for sure the end game is red hair and 1500 old man. the 2nd ml looks hot tho but he's really sus omg

yanderevitamin asked a question

any manhwa like superstar from age 0? or acting/idol rebirth that has cheat sheet

any manhwa like superstar from age 0?

chunghi is a bastard : D istg get that man out of the story

yanderevitamin created a topic of Jinx

ahaha the author is cute but sometimes their way of making trashy semes is sooo terrifying. they're downright scum and now that there'll be redemption arc everytime for them it feels like ??? victims are not given enough justice ??? they would always have a second chance bc our ukes are so kind :') irl there's always no option for shit like that ok. u made ur bed now go lie on it. u reap what u sow. or atmost let's say they'll be forgiven but never end up with the perpetrator anymore bc the trauma never really goes away. haha, i hope that chasing arc is worth it for all the pain dan has gone through. : D

yanderevitamin answered question about question
yanderevitamin answered question about turn into a guy
first and fcking foremost, why are u controlling????????????? : D
yanderevitamin answered question about turn into a guy
0% sorry if this is the result (or it might come off like, "i'm not like the other girls" lol ) perhaps i'm perceiving my self as an ideal-self while answering the questions. anyways, it's not 100% accurate for sure since everyone has their own flaws. i think i just try my best to not make people feel bad since i know how horrible it feels. haha,......
yanderevitamin followed a goer
02 05,2024
yanderevitamin created a topic of Backlight


anyways, this is a really great story i'm excited.

yanderevitamin asked a question

manhwa like

grieving you and at the end of the road

yanderevitamin created a topic of For You Who Grieves

gosh i love them so much, i really like the ml as well, the way he's so in love with him. where can i find someone like that in my life :c (not that i'm actively pursuing love rn jus sometimes i think abt it and get sad then continue with my day hahaha)

yanderevitamin created a topic of Backlight

i feel dizzy reading this and i don't know why. so far the adults in this story are all fucking annoying, they're really the cause of cheol's discomfort and trauma (him being anti-social). mi-ae is making me dizzy she's always falling but she's cute anyways.

can someone tell me what chapter did the romance start?? i'm at 55 now, i love slow burn but this manhwa just really makes me dizzy

yanderevitamin created a topic of Wet Sand