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ur mom answered question about question
so you just want a rebound? i volunteer
ur mom answered question about lose a friend
in 4th grade i had a crush on this girl ( I didn't realize at the time tho) and there was this time we were on a ferry together on a class field trip or smth, and she was leaning against the railing looking at the water by herself, and i really couldn't stop thinking about how pretty she was
ur mom answered question about a kink u didn't know u have
my friends were over, and we were just talking and one of my friends sat on my lap and put one hand on my thigh and the other arm draped around my neck. i froze up and my neck felt so hot and just played it off casually...
ur mom answered question about question
i also believe that god doesn't exist, but don't push your beliefs onto others. just let people believe and practice what they want, it really doesn't affect you in any way
ur mom answered question about getting called gay
no ones ever said anything stupid about my phobias but my twin brother is scared of the dark, and my mom is so fucking dumb about it. she makes fun of him like "why are you afraid to go downstairs at night time haha you're so pathetic" and "are you even a man?" it makes me want to slap the shit out of her because when we were little she would punis......
ur mom answered question about question
apocalpyse- cigarattes after sex
ur mom answered question about let's be positive
76% Good face shape Normal forehead size Big interocular distance Good nose for face Normal mouth size Normal chin Bad face symmetry fuck this...
ur mom answered question about question
why are you like this
ur mom answered question about question
im 5'8 aw man and i really wanted to eat you out
ur mom created a topic of Yours to Claim

i cant let go of cain bc he looks too much like ash...

ur mom created a topic of Fate Makes No Mistakes

does anyone know when this is supposed to be updated?

ur mom answered question about character obsession
im offended but only because you spoke the truth...
ur mom answered question about question
that my crush likes me back... i know its impossible but let me make unrealistic situations in my head about her
ur mom created a topic of Your wish is my command

fuck hwan all my homies hate hwan

ur mom answered question about read yaoi in class
brittany is this supposed to be spaghetti? id rather eat you out then put this shit in my mouth...
ur mom answered question about let's be positive
sorry old hag but no one wants to be married to someone whos ok with furries
ur mom answered question about let's be positive
shut up old hag you cant make me stop
ur mom answered question about love myself