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but who is this sister tho... like, not sure I'd be asking my kid brother to do this lol ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ many thoughts, many questions, looking forward to many answers

Alle created a topic of Yours to Claim

oh ho ho! way to go Cain with the confession. Also, anyone else feel like Yahwi is the cat to Cain's dog?

Alle created a topic of Page o Mekuru Sono Mae ni

I really like this author but all the main couples look so similar it's like reading the adventures of the same couple as they go through alternate universes ( ̄∇ ̄")

Alle created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

someone's catching feeeeeliiiiings ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

Alle created a topic of Yours to Claim

Ok. This only works if you have memory loss from it being so long since reading the first few chapters. Yawhi was a certified asshat from the beginning and has not owned a single harmful thing he’s done. “Couldn’t you tell how much I liked you/how much I’m trying/why couldn’t you see/how could you make me so confused as to whether or not you liked me/was it all a lie?” is the same gaslighting bullshit he’s been pulling this whole series. HE was the one who wasn’t clear -

Alle created a topic of Hold Me Tight

I love how Felix just casually says “ I thought you were a treacherous person with a black heart” to dude’s face. Also, jealous Felix is super cute. (≧∀≦)

Alle created a topic of Shinigami wa Korosenai

I began reading. I blinked. And it was done.
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

Alle created a topic of To be or not to be

The burn has been so slow hell froze over and it's a cold day in July ( ̄∇ ̄")

Alle created a topic of My one and only cat

the cats need to just work at the pet shop and all will be resolved (▰˘◡˘▰)

Alle created a topic of Yours to Claim

ok, so - I am sooooo glad Jooin walked away from Yahwi here. Yes he's got family trauma and likely other issues, but that is not justification for him to treat his romantic partners any which way. Just because that's what he can give doesn't mean Jooin is obligated to accept it.

Now, for those saying Cain is sus, let's not forget they have spent quite a bit of time as pen pals, forming a friendship, and even making opportunities to spend time together during the school trip. Cain has never pushed Jooin's boundaries (unless you count his confusing first approach to get to know Jooin - who, btw had already thought Cain was cute), and frankly I think it would be OOC for Cain to suddenly be just as bad or worse to Jooin than Yahwi. I mean, there's usually at least a liiiitle foreshadowing for stuff like that. Either way, rather than thinking about what kind of character development would make me feel ok for Jooin to take Yahwi back, I am proud of Jooin's character development, and his growing ability to not lower himself to accept something he does not want nor is good for him. To a certain extent, at least, people treat you how you let them. Thanks for reading my dissertation, lol. (▰˘◡˘▰)

Alle created a topic of Yours to Claim

Nothing there to see Jooin, pack it up

Alle created a topic of ANTI P.T.

Honestly, I really appreciate this development. Hwi started off as a sex buddy but when he realized he wanted more he communicated that, and when he saw that something was off he set an appropriate boundary in line with how he wants to be treated by his partner, and knowing that Param isn't sure about his feelings. I think this will give Param the space he needs. Seems like this is Param's first relationship, and at least he was able to be honest with himself that he just wanted to screw Mr. Han. Getting over a long flame when the person finally starts showing you they like you back is understandably difficult. Now he has some space to think about why exactly he feels so bad about it. Looking forward to seeing how it turns out, and I low-key love how invested the comment section is (●'◡'●)ノ

Alle created a topic of Your wish is my command

Why was Hwan at the arcade, what was he doing? Was that really him at the doll shop? And why does he only come to his rescue after he's been literally screwed? With the exception of the time Jin saved him after he had been screwed. Like, the pencil situation "I took awhile to make the rope" situation was highly sus. Also, Hwan has made some subtly scary faces. I think he genuinely likes Chiwoo but it might end up being one of those toxic "I will destroy you with my feelings" kind of loves.
And what is the deal with Jin? He gives me "I will give up my eternal life to be with you Chiwoo" vibes. I dunno, but I look forward to the journey of figuring it out.
I also just generally love the magical dildo transformation scenes. THE END of my long ramble (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Alle created a topic of Hold Me Tight

is it just me or does it feel a little late to introduce a rival? I'm not sure what other role this dude would play... and he does high key look like Gio

Alle created a topic of Yours to Claim

I just, I'm just so disappointed...

Alle created a topic of Cherry Blossoms After Winter

bwahahahahahah you fool (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸

Alle created a topic of Yours to Claim

expecting some tipsy fueled revelations next chapter. other dude is an asshole who needs therapy so he can stop fucking up other people's lives - no idea what this 'i knew you in a past life' thing is, but regardless I ship Cain hard