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CH0C0PIE July 10, 2021 3:08 pm

No money needed my bby, I'll kill him for free

CH0C0PIE April 11, 2021 4:24 pm

I'm so tired of the same thing. It's so slow and I'm starting to loose interest in the manga because of it. Like damm, I rather have a short story than a repetitive one

    n0tKLIsH. April 11, 2021 5:10 pm

    Damn I meant to dislike. If you hate how slow its going then just wait a few chapters instead of complaining but true its getting a bit repetitive but no need to complain.

    Anaa April 11, 2021 5:49 pm
    Damn I meant to dislike. If you hate how slow its going then just wait a few chapters instead of complaining but true its getting a bit repetitive but no need to complain. n0tKLIsH.

    Shut up they can complain if they want. This story does have a huge flaw with repetition

    CH0C0PIE April 11, 2021 5:56 pm
    Damn I meant to dislike. If you hate how slow its going then just wait a few chapters instead of complaining but true its getting a bit repetitive but no need to complain. n0tKLIsH.

    Well, it's my opinion u know. And I can complain if the work is bad, just because you like the story it doesn't mean that u can't see the bad things on it.

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