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hhhhhhh created a topic of Flip the script

if it benefits both of them why can’t seme at least be amicable??? He’s being an asshole for no reason and even using everything he has to just ruin and humiliate uke???? Like bro tf you on??? Spoilers pls!!

Also the brother is also weird af, idk but if uke was this desperate he could just talk to his grandpa and say his life is in danger or idk take money and run away to the US or sth idk???? He coulda also choose a diff dude to play the boyfriend role, even if it isn’t someone as influential as ML he coulda get the job done with being labeled gay and stuff… I can’t get MCs thought process.

Also the brother making him eat apples which he’s allergic to is just faul. Bro boutta die from an anaphylactic shock everytime the bro visits