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Randy created a topic of Gig of the Day
Randy created a topic of The Pawn's Revenge


Randy created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Idk but it was neat I would love to live there.

Randy created a topic of PASSION

The way I would let any one of them have their way with me huh

Randy created a topic of The Inheritance of Aroma

I don’t think I recommend this, not only is the ending tragic but you won’t see any tenderness or anything resembling love until near the end- when it is quickly snatched away. Also considering that their was NO reason plot-wise for the son to join in it was just shameless for the author to add this in IMO. Mostly beautiful writing though.

Randy created a topic of Temptress

Didn’t pay attention to the woman but any1 else think that gray men or men lacking detail are just so hot in smut like huhhhh

Randy followed a goer

I'm an artist and writer.  I write and draw my own webtoon.  

 This weekend I was invited to a symposium given by the Children of the Corn aka The Manson Family.  They invited me as an artist in residence honored guest.  The theme was "Appreciation For Mangakas the World Over."  They displayed my work as well as many snips and bits of my written works.  The posts made me sound like the baddest bad boy.  They thought that was a good image for me. (I've blotted out the memory or I'd explain lol).  I understood their explanation for the out-of-context posts, of course. 
Someone mentioned their reputation for being rude, hostile monsters, but when I found out they'd been raised in the forest by bears and wild boars, my heart went out to them!
(my god.  where are these people's parents! lol)
All of my friends had sudden urgent business and couldn't attend unfortunately.  One lovely lady, however, invited me to sit at her table and pet her gorgeous kitten.  It made all the difference to me.  LOL.


My message has always been about freedom of speech and expression for artists of manga, manhwa, webtoons, and all artists, even if it's your little brother making kiddie drawing up in his room.  lol.  Please support us all.

Fictional forced sexual encounters are fantasy, highly idealized, romantically lavish stories that come from the imagination and wholly removed from real life.  They aren't violent.  They are beautiful moving pictures in the imagination of the storyteller.  There is nothing wrong with writing, reading, drawing them or making one's own inside one's own  imagination.  That's the imaginer's private business, not subject to the judgement of any morally self-righteous organized group.  I sincerely hope that if you're someone who wants censorship, that you would think again and change your mind.  Freedom is something artists must have in order to create.  Even if, like me, they are writing shonen ai, they still need the freedom to allow their imaginations to wander.
Recently, compulsive focus on rape in real life has been transferred onto fictional works of the imagination.  To me if a person is already infuriated about RL rape, they might not be willing to set aside their rage over society's worst problems.  Okay, but that isn't the right frame of mind to relax and read a fantasy story for pleasure.  If you've already got a head full of steam over rape beforehand, you'll miss out on the story the artist's and authors have created for you. 
 I have empathy for rape victims, of course, but I love the art and writings of authors of manga, manhwa etc.  I won't start reading any story already biased and projecting things onto stories that aren't there. I want to feel the emotions the author wants to evoke in me as I read. I want to empathize with the characters because the writer brought about those feelings through their storytelling skill and art, not because the mere mention of rape makes me upset. Otherwise you might as well read something that doesn't upset you. My life is difficult and problematic enough already. I don't need more grief when I read, especially knowing that these authors aren't trying to offend at all, and I have tremendous respect and gratitude for their hard work. With all that, I'm keeping my mind open when I read.  I surrender myself to the author and go on the journey they've created.  I'm not going to get pissed about anything they want to write about and express with their art. There's too much at stake.

Some disagree, but I think that fans shouldn't lean on artists to change their art.  If you're against coercion, maybe you should not coerce others.  Harassing artists till they finally yield and let themselves have their sacred right to self expression be compromised - there's better ways to spend your time, maybe by supporting artists and writers. 

Here's what I think about those who want to accuse you of fetishing whatever.  It's what I've always thought about and said about the inspiration for author's have when they create yaoi: For the most part, BL and yao is written by women for women.  Those women are not out running all the hell over Manhattan trying to sniff in some gay male vapors for inspiration or sitting in coffee shops, hanging on gay men's every word. hell no. Yaoi authors might be women, but every woman has a man inside, and authors reach down inside themselves to create their male characters and stories.  Their characters come from deep inside themselves. No more than mr spock is based on little green aliens is yaoi based on gay men. The characters belong to the authors, the fans, and to the genre itself.
Think about it.  Why would yaoi authors write directly about gay men?  They don't have the knowledge or experience, and they don't have the disrespect some imply.  The characters created by authors of yaoi are the legitimately owned characters they write about.  They're not about gay men, they are about the male based characters that come from within the mind.  If an author has had the experience of being human.  They, we, have every right to make creative works based on our own human experience.  I stand with yaoi authors and support them fully.
There are a few ego-maniacs out there who want to make people feel bad about reading yaoi and BL.  I don't think they have a leg to stand on.

I've done translation, decensoring, cleaning, redrawing, typesetting, leading a translation team, dealing with international groups, and other shit on stories like Deadlock, Hyacinth, Juliet no Baka, Uchuu no Muzuku, Shoku Chudokuu, Put a Smile On, Get Me Out etc.

This is my Daiya No Ace (Diamond no Ace, Ace of the Diamond) Baseball Story on AAO - titled Miracle Miyuki
feel free to read at will.  Please leave my webtoon alone for now.
*boring edit: I said from 10 to 2.7 because I knew of one person who severely downvoted my webcomic a few months ago who.  there were two others I knew who had also came from mgo, didn't like my opinions, and dragged hard on my rating.  One of the manson family did the same a couple of months ago.  In a wip webcomic that hasn't ever been promoted in any way, with little traffic, 4 or 5 people severely downvoting can have a huge impact. I was counting those people in when I said 10. to 2.7.  I don't look at those ratings often enough to have a tight grip of every up and down, so I might be off.  I don't know.  I don't want to know.  I'm just a little tired of being called a liar.
Also, anyone who hates a particular manga, manhwa, or webcomic will usually give it somewhere in the range of 5.0 if it has the slightest redeeming value.  One star is so outrageously low that it has to be counted as the product of sabotage.  Valid or not, however, it's counted as valid.  It's unfortunate because those ratings do count for things I guess most people don't think of when they downrate for vengeance.
The entire business with finding out that people I didn't previously know were the same people who knew me only from comments I made in the Put a Smile CS. the manhwa here on mgo.  Those people who came from the forum section of mgo created a situation where my webcomic was so blatantly exposed to real harm, and they did it for no other reason than they disagreed with my opinions.  I didn't know them at all. in  hadn't heard of their actions until their hate campaign was far along.  No one told me it was happening.  I was completely blindsided.  I'm still sorting it all out.
Those people don't actually know my opinions except to deliberately misunderstand them and make me out to be a criminal, pervert in real life.  It's not true.  Everything I say and have said is within the understanding that it's about written and illustrated fantasy works here on the internet, certainly not about real life as they've misconstrued.
Enough time has gone by and the perps have lied a lot, thinking I don't have any proof of what they did.  I've finally decided to post my screen shots.
I... want to make a little disclaimer here.  I'm afraid that somewhere in a discussion I said something like rape in fantasy and real life rape both have their purposes and both are needed. omg  LOL  What I meant to say was Rape in Fantasy and Acting out a consensual fantasy both had their blah blah .... something like that.  I can't remember the point I was trying to make, and now I can't find the discussion, so I'm putting this note here so when I find it, if I did indeed make that hairbrained mistake.. lol.. this will serve to say that that's not what I meant to say!  lol  not at all!  sorry!

26 12,2023
Randy created a topic of Ore Ni Koi Shite Dousunda

Sad this is dropped, it was cute. (And by it I mean the Uke not this annoying stone face seme bitch)

Randy followed a list
Randy created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Stop being affected by him!!! Ignore his ass right now, find some random guy friend and joke around with him in a way that comes across as flirting to jaehyuk sjenenrkjfksns

Randy created a topic of Big Apple

Im on chapter 21. What the fuck. This is good but why is there so much sex. This is so weird for me bc usually I’m wanting more sex scenes but this was just overload!!! The art is amazing and the scenes themselves are really passionate but MY GOD the plot seems interesting so I’m just annoyed that it’s like one chapter for plot and then three chapters for smut right after!! It just really conflicts me bc they’re not bad sex scenes and the art is great, but whyyyyeheheheh

Randy created a topic of PASSION

Anyone else think babyface Xinlu is going to come across Tay in the future but at this point be all masculine and big?

Randy created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Okay Garam now find the random biggest hottest man and flirt with him in front of Jaehyuk

Randy created a topic of Reunion

For me, I really love the chapters recently- they do such a great job of evolving the relationship of Hakyung and Yoonsung as well as showing their dynamic as chapters go. I’m super attached to them now the author is a GENIUS. I only think the plot is a bit slow (yes I’m a plot slut sry y’all) before I was very hooked on Yoonsung slowly piecing the mystery together- now it’s just ‘hey let’s see what development the lovebirds made this chapter.’ :P Still this is currently one of my fave ongoing BL’s and I know that we’ll uncover this all eventually, just my 2 cents.

Randy created a topic of Can't Think Straight

I love the regular updates on this yaoi it’s my favourite trashy smut especially when I’m feeling down I can laugh at this bad plot and jerk seme I hope author’s pillow is cold on both sides

Randy created a topic of Double Trap

Neighbours will hear *fwop fwop* ‘ah Hyung slow down~’ all night. I want to be their neighbour

Randy created a topic of Double Trap

I’m prepared to be blue balled by second couple lol (they’re ok pls don’t attack me)

Randy created a topic of Monster In The Mist

This is a great BL that has a 10/10 plot, it is crazy how this went under my radar. The selling point to me is the amazing in-depth main characters. Doha has a very interesting mind and a clear set of aspirations he is so well created. Woon is a very cold person with a disdain for the world, he comes across as omnipotent and put-together but it’s very refreshing to see him crumble around Doha. My only critique is that their interaction took around 20 chapters to happen Lool, I think build up should be done in moderation. Please read this it is lovely and the suspense in this story will keep you on your toes!!!
(Watch out for Jihyuk jumpscare he looks very anime at first lol)

Randy created a topic of Can't Think Straight

Can I tell y’all this BL is such a trashy smut. And can I also tell y’all I love it??? Like damn it’s so hot and I love how stupid and unrealistic this story is.

So firstly I’m like terrified of a possible brother complex, like little girl chill please- secondly why jacques taking off her clothes where is this going (on that note she tall and got some big as titties she is sort of slay queen)