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unknown June 26, 2021 10:33 pm

I love this so much!

unknown June 24, 2021 12:41 am

I'm still confused which of them she's gonna end up with. She could end up with Ahin, they're appearance suit each other but awkward and too formal. The emperor of preazia is a sus. She could be with Asisi too but would her dad allow it? Considering the age gap? How old is Asisi anyway. Not to mention the sword, he's also into her.

    Chryselephantine June 26, 2021 1:26 am

    I'm pretty sure its Ahin. Havel makes no sense considering he despises Caitel and the entire story is centered around Caitel and Ria; as she said, they're a package deal. As for Asisi, she pretty much shot down any chance of that in 222/223 because of the age gap. Honestly I wanted Dranste to end up with her but I get the feeling he won't have a happy ending or something will happen once he finds all his pieces, plus hes a sword so idk how that romance will even work.

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