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nae's experience ( All 0 )

nae's answer ( All 4 )

about dating
I have a commitment issues and have a pretty shitty personality/habits when it comes to dating and dating is emotionally exhausting   reply
23 06,2021
idk if this is psychotic   reply
19 02,2021
I have thought of killing myself a bunch of times since a young age. I believe in like 2 second grade is when it started and it lasted for a while, but now I have strong urges to cut myself. One of the only reasons why I haven't killed myself is because I'm afraid of what happens after death not death itself. If I told this to my therapist then I w......   reply
28 01,2021
i'm a Pisces and my biggest pet peeves are when people get supper emotional and victimize themselves and smartasses   1 reply
19 01,2021

nae's question ( All 3 )

if you were to have a mental illness or be diagnosed what would it be?
11 02,2021
ok but like what should I do because I go to an all girls school and I was texting one of my friends from class and she told she used to have a crush on me so I was like ok cool and brushed it off because I didn't know how to answer and now she won't answer my texts and told my friends that she got rejected by me and won't answer my texts I still wanted to be friends with her too
19 01,2021
19 01,2021
does anybody look at the questions on here and think I need to go ahead and take a damn nap
19 01,2021

People are doing

did going to concerts

Rage Against The Machine, Interpol, chevelle, staind, Tool, Pantera, Stone Temple Pilots, The Killers, Block Party, Oz Festival. And others

1 hours
want to do writing

I want to start writing a novel but to do that I think I could do it better if I had a writing group to write and share ideas with.

3 hours
want to do going to concerts

i need to see loona or i guess loosemble, artms, yves and chuu in concert one day brah i regret not going when they were near me so baddddd

8 hours