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i always hated cain and i didnt know why until the more recent chapters. i relate a lot w yahwi in the sense that i dont know how to show or identify my own feelings and when i do, i seem to do it in a way that hurts those around me. and dont get me started on the abandonment issues being so bad that u will literallly resort to ANY method to not let them leave, even if u are self aware that it is toxic and dangerous, etc. ( also his obsessive behavior but shh)and cain was just super hung up on the past and made jooin his entire world in a super unhealthy way. he “didnt want to pressure” joo into anything but he always begged and pushed him into situations knowing his feelings were all over the place. and just when he would tell him he could “do it better than him” give me the FATTEST ICK. why would u bring someone up when ur trying to seduce jooin if yk hes trying to get over him anyways these are just some of my opinions, or me ranting actually, but i have no one that knows i read bl so