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Billie September 13, 2023 6:52 pm

I quickly skimmed over the novel and the beginning was really cute but she is extremely stupid and that is frustrating. If she had opened her mouth even once, everything would be so much easier. When she finally found the magic stones, it took so many chapters and even days before she cured herself.

And I always hate people who say they like each other, and they are saying it alot but won't be a couple because she is that stupid.

It's a novel where everything would be solved if she told the family or the ML. If she would be a smart person, it would be fun to read but she is not one. Just an average person.

    Rira September 13, 2023 7:52 pm

    I only read these 7 chapters here but I already agree with you, she has great wizards in her family, why not ask them about the shadow, why not tell them her illness, why not ask them to get those gems?

    Saphir September 14, 2023 8:30 am
    I only read these 7 chapters here but I already agree with you, she has great wizards in her family, why not ask them about the shadow, why not tell them her illness, why not ask them to get those gems? Rira

    Maybe she want solve everything by herself without bothering her family or the Ml

    Saphir September 14, 2023 8:30 am
    I only read these 7 chapters here but I already agree with you, she has great wizards in her family, why not ask them about the shadow, why not tell them her illness, why not ask them to get those gems? Rira

    Maybe she wants solve everything by herself without bothering her family or the Ml

    demon13o September 17, 2023 10:55 pm

    She probably had the thought that if they found out they might have disowned her or kicked her out. Got to recall she's a modern woman who only had herself to depend on and had no one to support her before she found herself in that body.

Billie July 21, 2021 12:05 pm

Sorry but I don't like her at all. Really don't like her. So much that I write a comment just to let my displeasure out. Now I feel better and I will not read anymore of the story. Everyone who reads this comment. Have a nice and joyful day.

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