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Meowdonna created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Fucking Sanho this whole time while despising him is insane. That's pure psycho activity.

Meowdonna created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Cirrus gifted skylar a pair of shoes and skylar told him of the saying 'if you give your lover shoes, they'll run away with it'. Cirrus laughed it off thinking this was dumb.
At the end of the chapter a classmate found out about them dating.
Things will definitely be angsty from now on. And i'm guessing they'll break up and won't meet again until university.
But hopefully my guess is wrong.

Meowdonna created a topic of Backlight

broo what are you apologising for. Don't let him do whatever he wants to youuuuu

Meowdonna created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear
Meowdonna created a topic of Love in Orbit
Meowdonna created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Now watch this mf miraculously develop feelings for sanho in the next chapter

Meowdonna created a topic of Backlight

I feel like ml will be very rough in next chapter, scaring our poor mc

Meowdonna created a topic of 2020
Meowdonna created a topic of Unfinished Business
Meowdonna created a topic of Jueun

Maniacs shouldn't be walking around this freely

The nipples are such a turn off ☠ plus wth is that deck size

Meowdonna created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Awww Chanil is such a bf material . Tbh i feel like it's natural for Chanil to be a kind person. He's worried about cirrus like a good friend would . I kind of feel bad how cirrus is ignoring him. But i understand as well how embarrassed it is to be beaten up in front of your friend . Hope they get along soon.

Meowdonna created a topic of Waterside Night

I'm sorry but Mc's eyes looks weird during seggs

Meowdonna created a topic of Dark Fall

Folded ma boi like a beach chair

Meowdonna created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

Get disgusted with basic physical touch but doesn't mind all the holding during seggs

All i see is green flags They're so adorable + the chibis are the cutest

Cute kids make stories like this fluffier

Meowdonna created a topic of Love in Orbit

Not Gabin pulling Sasha's pants lmaooo