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grumia July 17, 2021 4:59 pm

I guess he learn the lesson and not doing it outside anymore **clap clap**

grumia June 11, 2021 6:59 pm

same boi same if you're new here, welcome to the club where we hate the duke because he seems so cheap to just change his target of affection so easily ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Shades June 11, 2021 7:30 pm

    I wonder about that, the story made it seem like he was deluding himself into thinking he was loving the black haired women, and she treated him like a brother. So I am pretty sure their relationship wasn't much more than him using her for relaxing and her using him for getting some luxuries. They both had some feeling for each others, but it probably wasn't much more than the feeling peoples have between friends.

    Shades June 11, 2021 7:34 pm
    I wonder about that, the story made it seem like he was deluding himself into thinking he was loving the black haired women, and she treated him like a brother. So I am pretty sure their relationship wasn't muc... Shades

    That doesn't mean I think well of him though, he seem like a wishy washy kind of guy to me.

    yogshasbigdeckofcards June 11, 2021 11:50 pm
    That doesn't mean I think well of him though, he seem like a wishy washy kind of guy to me. Shades

    man the duke's just a fucken dumbass. He stayed with his girlfriend of 6 years because he apparently loves her too much to marry someone legitimately. My gosh, he was attracted to Calendula (the gf) because she didn't like him, and this went on for 6 whole years. Like the fuc..? is he ok?

    Also, why is he such a creep to the FL?? The entire story rn is just him forcing his feelings to her my gosh. Is this what the epitome of romance has become for us :')

    he def is wishy washy and he sounds like an airhead

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