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hawklight April 25, 2021 1:58 am

The story is well writen. It does well at showing toxic relationships. And that is why some people shouldn't worry so much when there are comments criticizing taesung. Because that is part of the point of this story. He is a character writen in such a way to be consider a bastard. We are supposed to find him a shitty person. If we would look at him and think oh what a good person. The plot of this story wouldn't be making sense, and would fail at what it tries to do. We are supposed to hate the things he does. That is the proof the story is well writen. Unlike other mangas, that try to be dark but the plot is so all over the place that things just don't work. So don't worry people. Criticizing things in a story does not automatically mean that people are hating on it. Things are writen in one way or another to get a reaction. And for the most part. The plot is doing a good job at making us react about how shitty taesung is.

    Fromis9 April 25, 2021 11:07 am

    They just want to attack everyone who calls out Taesung. They obviously expect everyone to fawn and drool over him. The funny thing is you're right and you should say it out loud, how are we supposed to perceive a character like Taesung? Are we supposed to go gaga over him or should we see him the way he is written? The answer is obvious.

    hawklight April 25, 2021 3:56 pm
    They just want to attack everyone who calls out Taesung. They obviously expect everyone to fawn and drool over him. The funny thing is you're right and you should say it out loud, how are we supposed to perceiv... Fromis9

    Exactly. We are supposed to look at him and think how awful he is for all he has done.

hawklight April 19, 2021 5:57 pm

Oh, so the police actually exist in this manga? How come nobody ever called them when sora was raping people at school? The crazy rapists being the one that is making use of the police instead of the victims he raped. Now that is one crazy slap in the face. Fuck sora.

    kittypaw April 19, 2021 9:28 pm

    my guess is,because of yaoi logic,its more shameful for the dude who is a victim to have it known that he was raped by other guys........yea

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