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Iliketoreadstuff created a topic of Reality Quest

The silver haired girl is so pretty but ion really like her personality


The mc is so manipulative omg

Iliketoreadstuff created a topic of Free in Dreams

Oh nah Jeongmin needs to get out fast

Iliketoreadstuff like topic of Jinx
Iliketoreadstuff like topic of Jinx

yall are disgusting ,supporting r*pist ass semes and romanticising it,yall clearly have no idea how serious of a topic r*pe is and how it impacts ppl,yall will fold for hot men and turn a blind eye to anything he does ,bcs he is "hot"...the author always includes abuse and r*pe in her works,she has issues and needs help ,and the ppl defending it is one thing ,i see some of yall enjoying it.

Iliketoreadstuff created a topic of Boy meets Girl

This manhwa is just so bizzare

Iliketoreadstuff created a topic of His Taste
Iliketoreadstuff created a topic of Jinx


Iliketoreadstuff created a topic of Quest Supremacy