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thwts illegal, orphanage cant be made public

i wanna hear this song, its cute...

Hikaru Shido created a topic of Eleceed

i thought i was the only one thinking he likes kayden

omg i am so loving hyun, the attitude

Hikaru Shido created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

You can do it Kael!!! go for it!!!

Hikaru Shido created a topic of Eleceed

another ego is boosted by jiwoo

bezt boys looks are more idol vibe than the nexters

Hikaru Shido created a topic of Kaiju No. 8

the kid is holding a doll that looks like no.8, so cute!

Hikaru Shido created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

so they had a relationship before?

i dont know what to expect with that white hair guy