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Anna-C June 19, 2018 5:05 pm

Those comments... You guys should think more about what you say, cos like: imagine yourself being raped, getting pregnant and practically forced to have the baby, with the probability of being left out after giving birth, imagine yourself with a shitty childhood, being left by your mother and abused by your father, imagine yourself with no good living conditions and, because of that, you have to live with the guy that raped you TWICE (it would be three times if you count the time he was in heat, cos it's almost like being drunk and if you have sex with someone drunk, I have some news to you: this is rape and you're a rapist). Then, after all that, you still think Hyesung's an annoying and childish bitch, you can say whatever shitty thing comes in your small brain. Have some empathy, goddamit.

    YaMoe June 19, 2018 5:32 pm

    Yeah that might be a reason for acting the way he does but i don't think it justifies SELLING the baby off? Just sayin ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    Cornelius Vanderbilt June 19, 2018 6:15 pm

    Brush,Dojin did not want to have sex at first and hyesung literally forced himself onto Dojin with his pheromones,though sadly it's biological
    U are right about Dojin raping home later but he really did not want to have sex with hyesung at first

    Cornelius Vanderbilt June 19, 2018 6:17 pm
    Brush,Dojin did not want to have sex at first and hyesung literally forced himself onto Dojin with his pheromones,though sadly it's biological U are right about Dojin raping home later but he really did not wan... Cornelius Vanderbilt


Anna-C June 7, 2018 4:38 pm

I may have to agree with the chinese dude, but I don't believe him. Freud's theory probably is right, but I don't think Siwon likes him. For me it's more likely he's manipulating the dream again. Like, we all know he can do this and maybe he wants to convice Siwon about his "unconscious" (fake) feelings. That's it. Nothing's true and this manhwa should just end. I want to see the end of the story and I think is taking too long.

    Cris June 7, 2018 5:11 pm

    Sim, sim, ele distorceu tudo pra favorecer o lado dele. E acho que a maioria só tá aqui por curiosidade mesmo porque aproveitando a história, acredito que são poucos.

    leehzao June 7, 2018 5:14 pm
    Sim, sim, ele distorceu tudo pra favorecer o lado dele. E acho que a maioria só tá aqui por curiosidade mesmo porque aproveitando a história, acredito que são poucos. Cris

    eu to quase morrendo pro Jinha aparecer logo aquele cabrito, to ficando brava ja com esse chines ahsaushuahsuahs CADE O JINHAAAAA

    Cris June 7, 2018 5:28 pm
    eu to quase morrendo pro Jinha aparecer logo aquele cabrito, to ficando brava ja com esse chines ahsaushuahsuahs CADE O JINHAAAAA leehzao

    Eu não queria não kkaakkakakakakaka acho que pra um pouco de desenvolvimento, o Siwon tinha que sair sozinho. Amo o cliche de um salvar o outro, mas aqui não queria. Só que Waje fez de uma forma que é impossível disso acontecer. Também não aguento mais esse maluco ¬¬

    leehzao June 10, 2018 9:57 pm

    Ah, verdade, seria top se o Siwon desse um jeito de sair sozinho. Mano, tomara que alguma coida interessante aconteça pq ô ódio

    Cris June 10, 2018 11:53 pm
    Ah, verdade, seria top se o Siwon desse um jeito de sair sozinho. Mano, tomara que alguma coida interessante aconteça pq ô ódio leehzao

    Siiim aaaaa Não aguento mais essa situação..

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