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bischbisch June 22, 2021 8:19 am

I hope this isn't just one more of those You're rapey and stalkey as f'ck but I love you anyways -stories. I do enjoy the twist and I hope it brings something believable and interesting and not that bulls*t we get almost all the time where the seme is a horrid person and the uke just sits there being abused and loves it.

Yes please for good psychological and horrible stories but no thanks to that toxic waste that most of the stuff here is.

bischbisch May 22, 2021 7:14 am

I haven't seen him do anything horrible yet. Yeah he's troubled but seems to be ready to do anything it takes, Jooin just doesn't want to meet him halfway and tell him what he wants. Yahwi is an introvert and needs help with showing his emotions but wants to do it. Cain is a dog, I really dislike him. Jooin is the difficult one in the story, he should just stop and listen and ask questions too instead of just storming out of situations.

    Honeybunny01q May 22, 2021 8:35 pm

    Wym by “I haven’t seen him do anything horrible yet.”? Did you even read this? He did 5 horrible things to Jooin. And Yahwi is the one being difficult. Yahwi treated Jooin like shit, he doesn’t need to listen to Yahwi after what he did

    bischbisch May 23, 2021 9:11 am

    I've read it three times. He's no saint, don't get me wrong, he's kind of a shitty person but still I find him being more honest than Cain and more straight forward, he's just being prisoned by his own traumas and cannot find a way to Jooin. Jooin on the other hand is too impatient to try to listen to him. Cain I don't like at all, hope he disappears :)

    Honeybunny01q May 23, 2021 1:54 pm
    I've read it three times. He's no saint, don't get me wrong, he's kind of a shitty person but still I find him being more honest than Cain and more straight forward, he's just being prisoned by his own traumas ... bischbisch

    Why are you acting like Yahwi is the victim here? Jooin doesn’t need to hear him out after what he has been through

    bischbisch May 24, 2021 5:57 am
    Why are you acting like Yahwi is the victim here? Jooin doesn’t need to hear him out after what he has been through Honeybunny01q

    I see no victims, I see just life. I guess I'm too old to see situations like this as too horrible to not get over with. I meant that there is fault in Jooin too, not only in Yahwi. I love psychology and troubled characters so Yahwi intrigues me, I hope we hear more of his backstory.

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