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Nehalennia followed a goer
24 06,2021

I'm really sad to say this was a one-shot and won't be updated, but despite the off-putting art style I found it hilarious. I wish there was more!

Nehalennia followed a goer
10 06,2021

(By Hitsuji-sama) Matsukawa has all the qualities that would make women fall head over heels at firs...

  • Author: YAREYA Umako
  • Genres: Romance / Smut / Yaoi
Nehalennia answered question about stay up too late reading yaoi
I'm knowledgeable when it comes to child development and, as you can guess with me being here, have experienced this very same issue! At the bottom of the page, I've posted some informational links, these are all available publicly with a quick search and are verified health websites. I used bitly to shorten them so they'd be easier to see. We ......
Nehalennia answered question about stay up too late reading yaoi
Yes! I was a pretty secretive person but had a habit of falling asleep with my laptop or my phone open. I woke up to yelling, but never really talked about it after that! (Cue the awkward silences!) I'll probably bring it up to my mom much later in my life, and we'll all laugh about it. My mom is a bit homophobic, but these are my own choices, an......

noodle shop, good shit

Tags: kink weird cute

Weird kinks that I found...that are oddly cute.

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The webtoons are too powerful.