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Yuyu66's feed

Yuyu66 asked a question

The rating will not always be the real face of its good and bad, it's different for every person. But for real, although I know this illegl site is using bot to stole from other sites and lots of toxic people often annoys me, but the topic and mail column are absolutely the best fitures for me. If I want to read some stories even if the rating is high (>8.5), I usually check the topic column and read how most readers' opinion. And it usually works! I never get disappointed when I found a story with full of compliments from readers even though the story may have few readers. And I was like getting a mail full of recommendations and I just... couldn't thanked them enough.

And I just love mangagosians because in my opinion, mangagosians, especially veterans are really helping me by sparing their time to type what kind of stories they read on topic column. If it's good, they wrote the good things. If it's bad, they really explained the bad things.

That's all, and I'm getting back to read more stories. Ciao!