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hmm that “mama” could mean something else ;)

keiji created a topic of Gig of the Day

can we please have a green flag rich ml FOR ONCE

as much as jiskar’s soft sides may seem cute i still hate him can MC just live in peace with his parents please

keiji created a topic of A Secret Romance Between Us

no wonder mc is traumatised by her sister and cant get close to women… i understand lmao

keiji created a topic of A Secret Romance Between Us

not to be dramatic but i fking hate her sister… and their mom what the actual fuck

keiji created a topic of Monochrome Rumor

i lowkey miss the old art style… i remember rereading just the prologue and ch 1 many times, back when the updates were so slow, because the art was very nice

keiji created a topic of I Became the Lousy Side Top

imagine mc just leaves behind a recipe book and then ml starts a business GSHSGHS

hey little girl, if you’re suddenly pushed onto the ground and had a mf sharp ass sword pointed at your neck by an angry male adult, YOU SURE AS HELL WOULD BE TRAUMATISED. stop talking shit

keiji created a topic of Waterside Night

anyws how is that fine man in ch 78’s placeholder

keiji created a topic of Waterside Night


keiji created a topic of Jinx

i hope eminem beats the shit out of jaekyung and wins. worst part is even if jaekyung loses i dont think he’ll feel remorseful or become better. i feel that he’ll become angrier even directing his anger at innocent ppl (aka doc dan) and overwork even harder.

or maybe someone will kidnap dan when their match is about to begin and jaekyung wont be able to focus and still loses. i wont mind both ways as long as jackasskyung gets the beating he deserves lol

keiji created a topic of Serious Joke

aw :( sometimes it’s better not to say anything or act on your crush for the better :”) isokay seungha sunbae will treat you well

keiji created a topic of Dear, Teddy Bear

wait are people fr rooting for minhyung bro is a psycho who possibly k worded his own brother
(the replies just gave me a headache pretty privilege is real lmao)

keiji created a topic of Over The Paradise

he really said it’s for research purposes

keiji created a topic of Free in Dreams

welp now that ml seems like he wants to be a better person fl is stopping him from trying it’s just a whole messy cycle

i was so surprised it was modern day fantasy turned historical fantasy LET’S GOOOOO

keiji created a topic of Today's Fortune

IM READY FOR THE ANGST once blondie finds out that 1, his sister and his crush are (fake) dating, and 2, his god of luck was a scam

keiji created a topic of Dawn of the Dragon
keiji created a topic of Romance, But Not Romantic

unrelated i hope we’ll get to read a bl in this trope but reversed

keiji created a topic of A Secret Romance Between Us

is that mc’s sister who traumatised him into being scared around girls (i totally forgot about this until i had to go to the first chapter again)