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Gilly's feed

Gilly asked a question

I am looking for a manga! Involving OMEGAVERSE BL

Please we are desperate! ╥﹏╥
● The omega summoned and had a contract or wish with a demon
then faded away but then the demon reborn an alpha he want to find the omega meanwhile the omega always go back to the library everyday to find the book that summoned the demon then they meet again in the library that the omega go to and the last chapter is they had a one child.
● The pages are black and white
● The omega is already working
● The omega almost got r*p*d but he was saved by the demon top
● There was some kind of lollipop (idk what it is) and it was basically a thing to use so the omega can't get pregnant (idk if this is really true because our minds are completely jumbled)