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♡ 엔비비 ♡ created a topic of Ore Miko!

Anyone else feel like there’s a whole chunk of story missing between chapters 3 & 4? Like did the author just write it like that??

“we’re breaking up”…… were y’all even dating to begin with??

♡ 엔비비 ♡ created a topic of Jinx

No matter what cute situation the author puts jaekyung in, he’s still a horrible person and I’m praying on his downfall

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that’s what happens when you marry someone after knowing them for a only a year dumb@ss

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personally I would disappear if I were Drake, I would change my identity, my family's identity, l'd shift my assets overseas, start a new life somewhere remote, get a decent amount of plastic surgery - when I tell you I would drop off the face of the earth

the miscommunication cliche sucks but you better tie down your man soon Fukami if you’re worried that someone else will take him

♡ 엔비비 ♡ created a topic of Jinx

idk why people are comparing Heesung to Jaekyung, yes he’s absolutely a f boy @ss hole but he doesn’t beat and abuse the people he sleeps with unlike Jae. Heesung is nowhere near as bad as him. he trash but Jaekyung is toxic waste.

♡ 엔비비 ♡ created a topic of Jinx

Pink hair is def gonna fall for Potato and abandon his f boy ways, and I’m absolutely here for it ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ (ノ^་།^)ノ

♡ 엔비비 ♡ created a topic of Take Off (Jui)

Submissive top with giant sensitive shlong YESSSS

Also I have reason to believe that season one of this webtoon might be inspired by a certain bts fanfic ( ⊙ ω⊙)

♡ 엔비비 ♡ created a topic of Jinx

Can’t wait til this “toxic yaoi” trend bullsh*t is over. And f**k a y’all desensitized mfs ragging on Dan for crying as if he’s not a wholeass abuse victim. This story is ass and should not be romanticized. This isn’t “slow burn” it’s abuse and if you look at this relationship as “goals” then you need professional help. ( ō_ō)=凸

♡ 엔비비 ♡ created a topic of Jinx

Jaekyung honestly deserves this but I’m scared that Dan will be blamed for it and get abused like always. Potato imma need you to back up Dan when they inevitably question him.

♡ 엔비비 ♡ created a topic of Jinx

I hope Jaekyung gets his ass beat

♡ 엔비비 ♡ created a topic of Jinx

Why does this author hate Kim Dan? I feel like his sole purpose and character is to be a kicked puppy who endures abuse from everyone and settles for the abusive love interest. And it’s gonna be framed as some romantic story, like no, actually f off. This is sending a horrible message in general and especially to those who may be victims of abuse themselves.

♡ 엔비비 ♡ created a topic of Full volume

Masochist service top Dowon is always *chefs kiss*

♡ 엔비비 ♡ created a topic of Jinx

This story is so predictably toxic, the only way it can be redeemed is if Dan leaves Jaekyung after stabilizing his financial situation and finds someone who will value him and treat him with the respect he deserves in a consensual relationship. Otherwise, it’s going in the trash with the other toxic webcomics with this copy pasted plot line.

♡ 엔비비 ♡ created a topic of Jinx

That mf is literally abusive, ik that’s a hot take in this community where a lot of ppl romanticize this sh!t but idc, it’s not sexy at all. There’s a clear line btw the @sshole seme that lashes out bc of trauma and straight up psychological/sexual abuse. Jaekyung has definitely reached it, then passed it, and then he just keeps going.