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TyoKhi's experience ( All 0 )

TyoKhi's answer ( All 7 )

I cut my hair super short sometime but going full shaved nahhh. But super short is so nice and easy to manage. If I were a guy though, I would totally keep my head shaved at all times, hair can be so annoying.   reply
29 03,2018
I wish I had the courage to confess to a crush! I've always been so shy without much self confidence. I feel like I've lost out a lot on because of it tbh ^^; Hell even after some one confesses to me I still have trouble expressing that back. I'm a wreck it seems like   1 reply
29 03,2018
I think Don't let me Get me by Pink would be mine. I'm my worst critic and usually the only thing holding me back is myself XD so I relate to that song   1 reply
29 03,2018
Tyo here! Female and from the USA. My favorite genre of manga and anime is supernatural/Occult detective type stories, Mononoke, Mushishi, X, Tokyo Babylon etc. Though...I'm also a shameless fangirl and love BL. (≧∀≦)   3 reply
13 05,2017
I don't, I usually read a brief description or go in totally blind. It's more fun that way! Plus, I have weird tastes in anime and don't always agree with what the majority opinion is. Though I also have a 3 episode rule enacted! If I'm not feeling it after 3 episodes I drop the anime and forget about it XD I've been told that's not the proper way ......   reply
13 05,2017

TyoKhi's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did going to concerts

Ateez, Coldplay, Dua Lipa and Harry Styles

1 hours
did going to concerts

Day6 (2x), Seventeen (2x), LOONA, Twice, NCT127

2 hours
did going to concerts

fall out boy, franz ferdinand, muse, gwen stefani, summer salt, subsonic eye, cosmic child, slowdive, blush, the strokes, fiddlehead

8 hours