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05 02,2024
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someone’s been watching attack on titan

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yeah this is not really a list of isekais its just a list of strong female characters in medieval european-like settings fighting against one-dimensional female role archetypes. 

they're kinda ranked but like not really don't trust me im disorganized in this list and in life help

part 2!

19 02,2022
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 Hot men being pegged/fingered by ladies [1~61]
 Female dominance: reversed roles of that would “normally” be viewed in Hentai [62~…]

 = submissive ML;  = strong FL

■ BDSM stereotypes (usually nocon/dubcon) and/or smut fantasy
■ Depictions of death/violence/torture, rape/nocon, sexual harassment/blackmail/kidnapping,
cross-dressing, Yuri/GL smut, futanari (hermaphroditism/unusual genitalia),
and anything else disturbing

19 02,2022
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18 02,2022
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16 02,2022