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Yourebutters created a topic of Ashtarte

He just ran off?? Werent yall just rubbing up on each other like a few chapters ago or am I confused

Yourebutters created a topic of Ashtarte

Everyones saying who they wish Amaryllis went the 'final boss route'. But I think the way she died was fitting, she was too weak minded to go off on her own. And she was a major liability for the priest, makes sense why he took her out.
She was too shaky and loose lipped, I dont blame her though I'd be the same if I found out my entire existence was a lie.

Dying a useless death was a fitting end for her, and probably the best ending she could get. That's just my opinion though

Does Larissa actually LIKE Alfonso or does she like the IDEA of him?? I actually cant tell.

Yourebutters created a topic of Age of arrogance

Girl be selfish you deserve it

Eclis wasnt really inlove with her, he was obsessed with the idea of ownership.
Love and obsession are NOT the same thing

Yourebutters created a topic of Ashtarte

I might be nit picking here but did the father NEED to throw himself in front of the dagger?? Couldnt he have just MOVED Ashtarte.

Maybe I'm being biased because I hate her family buttt it seemed like he just wanted one last "look at me I sacrificed myself (unnecessarily) to save the girl I've been neglecting for years!!"

But at the same time the dads 'sacrifice' was most likely just a (imo lazy) plot device to do a BIG REVEAL of ashtarte's powers.
Also the mfs in this kingdom switch up too easily, land of actual snakes hiss hiss

Girl why do you keep talking to caesar, was the abuse/manipulation and cheating In your past life NOT ENOUGH??? Put yo foot down. I'm SICK and TIRED of seeing him. Gn

Yourebutters created a topic of One Summer Day

Alot of people are comparing this to sign but sign is already completed. Not to mention sign was FULL of smut from the beginning, with only small bits of plot/lore every now and again. The plot only started to move forward properly like half way through/ towards the end.
Considering this is the same author I am unsuprised by the amount of sex scenes.

I dont like any of the male leads, they all suck ass. Sorry not sorry

Yourebutters created a topic of One Summer Day

Are they still going at it? ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. They are like rabbits, have mercy on my SOULLLL

Yourebutters created a topic of High Pulse

I've complained before but it's very obvious the author is just slapping different tropes/plots in just for sake sake, they cant seem to stick to something for more than 2 seconds. Theres legit no reason for this other than the writer desperately trying to create unessarasy drama to further the plot. This entire story is just a complete mess of different tropes all thrown together in an attempt to make a story. Omegaverse, sickness,bullying,childhood friends and MORE please stick to one plot devise at a time and work on that. Make like a story mountain or sm