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aksuke followed a list

02 12,2021
aksuke followed a list
15 11,2021
aksuke followed a list
aksuke followed a list
aksuke followed a list

Everything in here's my personal favorite

Well the list's name is speaking for itself so I suppose you already know what you are getting yourself into

May contain another fucked up things:

- Stockholm Syndrome 
- Abusive partner

I'm not giving specific synopsis nor specific judgment on each title, just the score based on my liking cause dang, just open the damn title and read the goddamn shit. I guarantee you, it's worth it

Enjoy the ride and see you on the other side of the hell lol

12 11,2021
aksuke followed a goer
12 11,2021
aksuke followed a list
12 11,2021
aksuke followed a list
12 11,2021