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My heart is breaking I wish I could jump in to this and kill for Penelope there would be so much bloodshed fr LET ME IN

YES YESSS AHAHAHAH I WAS HOPING IT WAS JUST SACRIFICING YOURSELF cuz I’m also dumb as short so I would’ve just asked “does it have to be an object in this room or can I just use myself?” IM SO FUCKING GLAD I WAS RIGHT didn’t realize there was an actual justification/reasoning for it tho lmfaoo

taterthot(。-_-。) followed a goer
30 01,2024
taterthot(。-_-。) created a topic of Doctor Elise

I’m really enjoying this, the only thing I’m utterly lost on is when they brought up the miasma theory in regards to the cholera outbreak. I know “bad air” is what they assumed the cause was but considering they have a concept of hygiene and hygienics then I’d assume they have a concept of germ theory no? And the germ theory replaced miasma so I’m just confused as to why such a theory still existed along with the germ theory? It just doesn’t really make sense, I get that she needed something to combat but the two just don’t coexist together one proves the other wrong. I mean the only reason they’d consider proper hygiene and cleanliness is strictly because of the germ theory so obviously such a thing has been established so idk why they’d still consider “bad air” as the cause for anything at all. Lol it’s just a bit historically and medically inaccurate and it bugged me but it’s fictitious anyway I just hope it’s explained more how they have a concept of hygiene but no concept of germs?

Damn I can’t believe y’all are shipping a grown man with his child characters he wrote