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princess created a topic of Can't Think Straight

it's incredibly refreshing to see the top actually enjoying giving oral sex. normally they're portrayed as always in control or "cool" when they're having sex and that sometimes seems dispassionate to me

princess created a topic of Can't Think Straight

doesn't bro have the flu? he was literally throwing up like 2 minutes ago

princess created a topic of ARTS MANZ

thumbs down on the rape, but the story itself isn't *that* bad. even though it will just be a love triangle situation and unless all three get together pretty much everyone will be mad anyways

princess created a topic of Do you have carrots

the dialogue and plot are a little off, but the overall story is quite cute. not excited for blondie to find mc again

this is the goofiest fucking story
i love it

princess created a topic of Can't Think Straight

telling him he doesn't just want sex anymore??? greenest flag

princess add 1 photos to funny
princess created a topic of Dark Fall

a plot? in this economy??

princess created a topic of Waterside Night

am i the only one upset that he's preggers?

princess created a topic of Can't Think Straight


princess created a topic of Can't Think Straight

And on your right, you'll see a prime example of what we in the industry call a "redemption arc." It's extremely rare that authors write them in an actually healthy way, so take a good look because you won't see one this good for a very long time

princess created a topic of Jinx

jaekyung's attitude this chapter is equivalent to when dudes complain that the "male loneliness epidemic" is not their fault

princess created a topic of 2020

this artist is a genius because that was the most sensual scene in a manhwa i've ever seen and there wasn't even:
too much dialogue

princess created a topic of Waterside Night

if this is redemption then i'm a pink elephant