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Thelostsoul already read


  • Author: Young
  • Genres: Webtoons / Yaoi / Adult / Mature


Thelostsoul created a topic of How to Snag an Alpha

Woo-Young never had a mother growing up... of course, he doesn't know how to be a mother. Not only that, his father and brother spoiled him to make up for her loss. His character has always been spoiled and immature, it wasn't some sudden change by the author. It would be unrealistic for his character to change so quickly after giving birth. It will be a while before he learns how to parent—this is natural for new parents. Kyung-Joo is much more mature/older, so he will do better than his partner. It is a learning process, if you raised a sibling or a child you would know this. Some of you are so judgmental #-.-)

Thelostsoul created a topic of Itoshiki Ningyo

Not cool, I already hate the ML... he said no! Don't force him to have sex with a woman or man, bastard!ヽ(`Д´)ノ

Wait I am confused, why the author doesn't show sex between the couple (seme and uke) but show it between the second ml and another person?

Thelostsoul created a topic of Will You Subscribe?

Everyone when the seme is a whore: "He's toxic but sooo hot, if the seme changes then I can forgive him, no big deal, uwu daddy."

Everyone when the uke is a "whore": " What a slut, so disgusting, I don't like the uke, the uke is trash."

The double standards are so real. It shows how some of you think of women vs men. If a woman has sex with multiple people then she's a disgusting whore but if a man has sex with multiple people then it's normal? F*ck you if you can't respect people and their bodies.

Thelostsoul created a topic of Love Jinx
Thelostsoul created a topic of Arabian Porno

Was about to read it but the comments advised otherwise. Thanks besties <3

Thelostsoul created a topic of How to Snag an Alpha

That's selfish but so true. If the mother of a baby dies then the father will grieve, the child will grieve, and happiness will be hard to come by. They can have more babies but the mother is one of a kind.

Thelostsoul created a topic of Dog's Love Way

Foxy brought it on himself. I feel 0 simpathy for the villain at all (normally I always do lol).

And yes, it is purposely spelled that way.

Thelostsoul created a topic of Ways of Parting

Dear author, please stop making me feel sympathy for the ex-bf because I am supposed to be against him. You are making me wish they would get back together and that's wrong. Thank you, xoxo.

-a humble reader.

Thelostsoul created a topic of Serene bird

Is this a finished story? If so, someone please spoil me.

An additional question: does the the seme's father and the pale guy end up together?

Thelostsoul created a topic of Blind Play

If people could support the author, they would. Some people on this website are under 18 and legally cannot. Some people don't have access to Lezhin in their country. Some people simply cannot afford it, especially during a time like this. I understand your good intentions but I am just saying... it is pointless. If people could they would. If people wanted to they would.

We are all on this website for the same reason: to read free manga. You would be lying if you told me you started an account just to comment.

Thelostsoul created a topic of Ways of Parting

Hey, man... Karma is a bitch ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I died of laughter at: "the fire nation attacked"

Thelostsoul created a topic of Don't Cry, Sunbae!

Lol, this manga reminds me of a convo I once had with my "str8" friend when we were drunk...

Me: Whas the difference between str8 and gay sex?

Him: Guys suck it better

Me: (⊙…⊙ ) .......... h-huh?

Him: Wha- (⊙…⊙ )

We stared at each other like that for a while before laughing until we were crying. The next morning we pretended the conversation never happened hahahahaha.

Ngl, I might just stop reading this manga... it is emotionally exhausting ╥﹏╥

Thelostsoul created a topic of Crush and Burn

I don't like either for Ken. They both seem too self-absorbed, not caring for Ken's feelings. Death seems like a better choice than these two #-.-)

Apparently saying "I like you" to a person whose guts you've just rearranged is not a confession (⌒▽⌒)

I really appreciate your time and effort on this but I can not understand what's going on. Please, remove ch 28.

Thelostsoul created a topic of Pearl Boy

My guess:

The pearls are worth a lot more than they believe. And the boss of the restaurant is lying to keep the uke beneath him.