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TheGayVault February 7, 2021 2:56 pm

the actions of characters like Toga and Dabi but hate Endeavor for his actions. Just admit you don't like him instead of trying to pretend you care about the morality of fictional characters. Also liking problematic characters=/= condoning their actions. Fictional characters aren't real.(▰˘◡˘▰)

TheGayVault January 1, 2021 3:45 pm

Tbh, I don't care for the villains backstories because it doesn't matter. It doesn't change their actions. They whine about how they were mistreated but do worse things to innocent people. I miss an aspect that makes me root for them the same way Nagito Komaeda would. He is a character that would root for the biggest hope instead of good or evil. The thing is there is no hope to root for. I love villains if they are interestingly written. Hirokoshi needs to choose if he wants vilians who are evil for the sake of being evil or villains with noble aspirations and not both at the same time. Stain was terribly written because he didn't make sense. At least that's my opinion. What would you like to see in the villains?

    Zihvuda January 2, 2021 12:09 am

    I didn't mind stain too much, but these other guys? Omg saaaame. I didn't care about mr. magician's backstory, especially not when he was about to die, felt like it was ddisrupting the pace of the action rather then adding more weight to his actions. Didn't care about lizard boy either, OR Toga. They just aren't compelling. Shigaraki and Dabi are great, because even with all the abuse they both went through, they are still pieces of shit and that's fine. But it feels like we're supposed to sympathies with the rest and... no? I don't- no!
    Oh right, and Twice was the only one i actually felt bad for. Even though he was very much a villain he still seemed like someone i'd root for, simply because he still somehow managed to come off as a cinnamon roll.
    I like compelling sympathetic villains, but they need to be used sparingly or people will just get bored. Also their backstories shouldn't be revealed during action scenes like this, but during more qiet introspective moments. It fucking sucked in Bleach's horrendous filler arc sagas and it sucks here. Also villains being villains for the sake of being villains are really freaking fun, and should be used whenever possible. They don't need a sad sympathetic backstory, and can still be just as compelling.

    SasuNaruAnyone January 2, 2021 6:00 pm

    I relate! I don't get the hype over Toga and such because well, shes complaining about heroes killing innocent people when her fetish is seeing bloodied up, half dead people (her fault) and when she found out Twice died she went to kill Ochako, something that she complained about. I would like her more if she didn't kill everyone. Maybe there's more to this. The chapters may have held more Toga psychology that I didn't catch.

    Twice's backstory, it made me feel for him but the only reason I didn't feel good when he died or anything like that because he seemed cute and funny, etc.

    Shigaraki though, even if I found him annoying at first his backstory was compelling and such, making me feel for him. He's one of my favorite villains rn.

    Dabi's backstory,,,, he has a right to be mad but the entire thing about killing Shouto just to anger his father is a bit messed up imo. But Shigaraki and Dabi are the only villains I can stand tbh.

    Lizard man, (What was his name?) I don't care about.

    Mr. Compress seemed like a weak excuse to cause more trouble for everyone...why is he a villian? Who knows.

    And about Stain, it was one of my favorite arcs but even while watching it I thought his thought process was jacked up lol. I feel like he could have been better, more than just a hero killer. I think he could be touched on more. That entire "fake hero" thing was interesting and it would be great to see more.


    TheGayVault January 7, 2021 10:21 pm

    Stain had an interesting ideology but it was executed badly because he attacked Tenya's brother and other people who were actually good heroes. That's why he's terribly written. He's very much contradicting himself.

    Zihvuda January 10, 2021 6:20 pm
    Stain had an interesting ideology but it was executed badly because he attacked Tenya's brother and other people who were actually good heroes. That's why he's terribly written. He's very much contradicting him... TheGayVault

    Stain's ideology was interesting, I dunno about him necessarily being a product of bad writing tbf. I'm not going to outright argue he isn't, but... people can become extremists, and it's always bad. He put All Might on a pedestal and found that to is mind, no-one else was as sincere, or as "true" a hero. Which is the whole problem being "judge, jury and executioner". I was quite surprised when he went after Tenya's brother too, but evidently Stain had seen or heard or interpreted something in such a way that he found him not worthy. Meanwhile Midoriya got spared because Stain was witness to his umm.. "true heroic spirit" or whatever and was moved enough to decide he gets to live.

    Anyway, I got the sense that Stain was jaded by- I think all the commercialism? I don't remember if he mentioned corruption as a thing (it's been a while), but certainly he was fed up with the insincerity he felt displayed by other Heroes in the biz. Like being a Hero shouldn't be about the fame, or the money but rather being an actual hero in the truest sense of the word. And "heroes" the concept is so idealized in his head that he's very extreme in his judgements of other heroes. He's an extremist. So, I think he was so jaded by all heroes not being All Might an subscribing to All Might's exact ideology, that everyone else in the hero biz is guilty of being a "pretender" till proven otherwise. He's out to be a monster that kills all the fakes and scares all other posers into not becoming heroes so that only the "All Might's" are left in the hero industry.

    Sorry that was long winded. Anyway, my point was that people with extreme views on things contradict themselves all the time. They just refuse to listen or believe, or indeed confront inconsistencies in their beliefs, sometimes because they are scared shitless, sometimes because they're so far up their own ass they are blind to these inconsistencies. It's... really relevant and I find it kind of too real sometimes. >_>

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