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Miko created a topic of Saturday's Master

The guy is offering sex for a position in that job. Its simple rape/dubcon. Also the bottom cries so much i bet he could lube himself up with those tears

Miko created a topic of Profundis

Can this sniper go fyck off? This translation is the worst, wheres speedcat when you need em

Miko created a topic of Muse On Fame
Miko created a topic of Limited Run

theres no way this ends like this

Miko created a topic of Limited Run

My mans straight up made a beeline jjsjsjjs

Miko created a topic of For My Abandoned Love

Oh man when will they actually kiss and for crying out loud can hestia catch a break with kyaaa theres my bias antics? Honestly its getting real old we are so far into the story and she still acts like a weirdo otaku now

Miko created a topic of Our Sunny Days
Miko created a topic of Welcome Home, Papa

Ik mom daughter duo is creepy but that old lady prying is so annoying like stfu and stop telling other women to have babies. Whats so weird about her not wanting a kid anymore fuck off oldass bitch

Man i cried for her and all the boys as well

Miko created a topic of Free in Dreams

Man what a shitshow lmao its either jeongmin or siyun in the hospital every update whats new

Miko created a topic of Limited Run

Damn his mans really said that

Miko created a topic of Profundis

This was so uncomfortable to read despite me being a smut freak

Miko created a topic of Missing Love

Anyone kind enough to summarize whatever the political fuck happened here? Im completely lost. Who got caught? Whos manipulating who? Whos doing the expose video?? Im completely clueless about the plot atp

Miko created a topic of Free in Dreams

This...just keeps getting worse. Siyun why did you do that you just made everything sm worse

Miko created a topic of Free in Dreams
Miko created a topic of Muse On Fame