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Sawadee kha
Lalandiin ko si Cheng,
Sisirain ko pamilya nila.

Am I the only one who wants Taesung's parents to be together again?
I really want them to be in a relationship again.

Jiyoung created a topic of Black Lotus

Kapag ako talaga nakapasok dito, sasampalin ko yang Luoan na yan!!

Nanno kha
Sisirain ko relasyon nila
Lalandiin ko si Qu Cheng
Huwahahahahah Huwahahahahaha

Jiyoung created a topic of Black Lotus

Sawadee ha, Nanno na kha
Kapatid ko si Luoan
Ako nag utos sa kanya na landiin si Yansheng

Jiyoung created a topic of Under the Green Light

Pakadjut den Beeehhhhh
Ako deeeennn
Ako na laaangggg

Jiyoung created a topic of Black Lotus

The English of “BAGTING” is “TING TING TING”


Pilipino ka?
Sabi mo “Thank you, TAE”

Jiyoung created a topic of Exotic Love

Luh, Philippines yon ih
Philippines yon Bhiiee

Jiyoung created a topic of Pearl Boy

Nasa Heaven Ako
I Don't know why ako'y Kinikilig
My Heart Went Oops