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SuyariBangtan's topics ( All 243 )

SuyariBangtan April 28, 2024 2:06 am

What is this? I thought you changed? Be a villain. But you still want their affection. Who cares about them? They treated you like trash. Especially your dear father, whom you knew you treated like a thing.
Also, those commoners? Shit them ass. Just go to another country and prepare for war to kill them. They don't deserve your past kindness. Those poor souls know nothing about your suffering. 

SuyariBangtan April 28, 2024 1:12 am

That hyo jo guy, he got everything in his life, including her (MC), but still wants more? What does he want? Does he feel anxious because she still has family to rely on? So he thinks that she's not completely his? He's got brain damage. A mental. Or maybe she doesn't want to marry him because her family warned her, and that's why he killed them and said it's love? My poor brain.

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Photo from Part 24 storage 01-27 16:02

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