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I raised Cinderella “preciously”

Mildred definitely does, however I can’t say the same for lily and iris (her other daughters). As a reader although it’s subtle, I can see her bias for Ashley. She has this very weird obsession with marrying Ashley to the prince, it’s very weird as she has no reason to be so hellbent on it. Yes this is a Cinderella story, but it’s not happening give it up. She’s not their actual mother and you can tell through her monologues. It just feels off. Most of the time when she thinks of iris and lily it’s about how “ugly” they are and how it’s gonna be tough to get them married, ( although she only explicitly says their ugly once, it’s obvious what she means) then next episode she’s reminiscing about them as children through mildreds memories. It comes off as fake.
What really helped form my feelings for mc as a mother would be the most recent eps where iris starts crying and getting upset because mc (Mildred) treats Ashley better than her even though she’s her actual daughter. And she hits iris with the “but Ashley’s so unfortunate. She lost her mother and father, how could you. Do you blame me for marrying her dad? Is that what you think, is it my fault we’re in this situation? If not then get used to it.” Yikes. Yes, Ashley’s unfortunate but iris and lily aren’t fortunate either. To me it feels like she treats iris and lily civil and is more of a mother to Ashley.

On a less serious note Mildred reminds me of the mother in promised neverland and it’s off putting.